Climate Science and Change from Cool to Hot

I am going to weigh in and take on the tropical issue of Global Warming and give my humble opinion on the issues and not the science because the last time I was in science I snorted some wizz fizz we made, set a coil of magnesium on fire with the bunsen burner and threw a rats head at a bird who I was keen on.

Timothey Flannery discovered Global Warming in Australia first. The LAte nite Live host caught wind of it and talked about it on Radio National. A few bloggers found out about it who are from the Liberal PArty. Tim Blairs was one and became against Global Warming because he didn’t like Timothey Flannery and he thought that Phillip Adams was fat and because their politics were left wing therefore making global Warming not real even though science thought it was.

Andrew Bolt a popular Melbourne paper editor and opinion maker who wanted to start a blog so he started copying Tim Blairs popular style (that is not popular anymore) and he did not like Timothy Flannery because Flannery was left wing and on the ABC more than Bolt was and he was jealous so he attacked Flannery via his local rag too.

Soon The earth started cooling because Bolt and Blair were pointing out with graphs and fat jokes that Flannery flew on a plane and Phillip Adams was fatter than Tim Blair and so on and so on. And it lead to fanatical followers of Bolt and Blair writing their own blogs about the issue except they also didn’t have a cluw what they were talking about.

But the cooling only lasted for the winter then we had hot temperatures again and the debate on their blogs went adnauseum like Wayne when he is pissed and depressed.

The truth about the matter of the Global Warming is that only the scientists are really qualified to make the call on it even if the are left winged or right wing. In the political spectrum or ‘scrotom’ as I like to refer to it at the breakfast table (with many laughs from wayne) is that their are two balls. One ball is full of sperm and so is the other. Depending how cold it is the ball sack with pull itself closer to the body enabling the owner of the balls to do “the roast chicken’ dick trick. This is called Global Cooling. (it should be called warming but I can’t argue with the science behind it)

If it is too hot the balls will hang out from the body to get more air for the sperm to swim around in so they can shoot out when called for. But if it is too hot the sperm will die.

At the moment the earth is like a pair of hot balls (with left and right testicales arguing the toss of weather they are cold or hot). This enables the owner of the ball to do the “Windsurfer” which is called Global Warming (warm enough to wind surf all day because the ice caps have melted and it is now Water World).

But it is the body (science) which knows where the balls should be.And at the moment they are “freeballing” and need to be closer to the body to make more sperm to shoot out and make more life. Yin and Yang: Roast Chicken or Windsurfer? I know where the best positition for my balls is. Do you?


Filed under topical issues

19 responses to “Climate Science and Change from Cool to Hot

  1. This post should be in the science curriculum.

  2. At the moment mine are ‘leaning to the left’. Then again, they always have.

  3. jlo

    I’ve always wondered what it must be like to have balls. Now I feel like I have gained a globally important insight.

  4. Don

    I like it Trevor, I think it introduces another option for the solution. Earth is the balls, gravity is the scrotum and the Sun is the body. So we just need to find a way to pull the scrotum away from the body for greater coolness. I’ve seen guys hang bricks off their nuts and it stretches the scrotum. We need a similar thing just on a galactic scale. I’ll give Branson a call, he should be able to help.

  5. Mondo Rock

    You had me at “tropical issue”.

  6. Rossini

    wtf are u on about?

  7. PKD

    Thats one of the best posts I’ve read. Full stop!

  8. Rossini, the question is not “wtf are u on about?” but “wtf are you on?” And “can I get some?”

  9. As Einstien always says “you can’t argue with Science:”

  10. Craigy

    Grat Blog and post Trev…..

    BTW,the XE was one of the best Falcons ever….wish I still had mine.

    GTHO would be nice, but we aren’t rich enough….yet!

    Go the Blue Oval…

  11. Craigy

    Typo…..should be ‘Great Blog (etc)’

    Sorry… but who cares, hey, I forgot where I was commenting…

  12. Well Trevor, now that Grods has closed it looks like you’re “it”. The ball’s in your court mate.

  13. Gidday Ray, I have some more posts coming up here soon. So stay tuned.

  14. Great! Let’s hope you don’t attract any nasty characters, Trevor. Otherwise you might need a ‘comments policy’.

  15. Fang

    I see Iain has another fan in Trevor (the molester). Hey Trev, mate, since the bearded buffoon has given you access to his Dole Tales and Bull Blog how I about I give you access to his lies and bullying behaviour as evidenced in his latest comment at his latest blog (he has had heaps of failures mate.

    Here’s Iain threatening another blogger but he doesn’t consider it a threat:

    “What is rather surprising is the fact that Bridges has deleted everything at the site except his “farewell Message” which is no doubt an effort to hide the evidence of his more questionable behaviour, either in his own right or through the proxies of his fellow authors, as he tries to reinvent himself as a serious writer. It won’t work as well as he hopes though, because enough of his bile has been saved and held ready to come back and haunt him when he least expects it. It is just what he deserves. “

    Iain’s nastiness will again be his downfall.

  16. Where’s your sense of humour Fang? I think you need to read between the lines of Trevor’s comments & posts. Molester? Fan? If you go outside and stand in the sun for a while it might cure your iron(y) deficiency, mate.

  17. Fang Ive been called a lot of things but not a Molester. So how does go and get rooted sound.

  18. Fang

    Check your email Trevor.

  19. Pingback: Does you like pointless graphs to illustrate your point? « Groupthink

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